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A Fellowship of
Sacred Rebels

The vessel of each Evolutionary Journey is formed by the hearts of the voyagers, the soul tribe, the beloved community - and forged in the fire of alchemical love.

Each voyager was invited based upon the qualities of their heart and as an acknowledgment of the courage they’ve embodied - for walking the evolutionary path of a sacred rebel - the path toward a regenerated world based in love not fear, where honoring Life is at the heart of every action.


We were blessed to have an extraordinary gathering of kindred spirits who shared their unique wisdom from the fields of medicine, therapy, coaching, engineering, creative writing, education, entrepreneurship, and the performing arts. Below you can immerse yourself in their experiences on the journey and the gifts that it has brought into their lives.

Ximena Morales


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What was the greatest gift of ACOSC?

Definitely the human quality of the group. The clarity of the underlying purpose and the good accompaniment of conscious preparation to carry out the experience are very evident. The level of connection between the members of the group definitely takes the love and brotherhood of the tribe to a very high scale! Every day is lived in constant luminous celebration, joy dances in the air.

What has your relationship with Brian meant in your life?

From the first moment I felt a special connection with Brian. Although his life was very different back then, something in him was already beginning to awaken towards what has now taken the form of his path. His sensitive heart began to hear a call and it has been a true honor to accompany different stages of this entire process and to be able to see up close all his will, his clarity, his generosity, his nobility and above all his level of commitment to the protection of our Mother Earth and the sacred knowledge of Buen Vivir - the art of living well in harmony with Her.

I have deep admiration for all the years of study and dedication of him traveling and exploring to connect different keepers, practices and territories. Always with a humble and especially generous heart. I can say with certainty that he is a true brother and genuinely personally appreciated as one of the most special people in my inner circle. Constantly attentive and aware of the family as one more member of it, he has accompanied us from the heart during all these years with a love that I treasure deeply!

Defining moment of the journey.

I remember the sun during the offering in the rainy day.
The music everyday.
The first ceremony in the maloka. 
Samy's blessing with his name and the rain.

Megan Pytleski



What was the greatest gift of ACOSC?

A Celebration of Sacred Convergence gave me the gift of Being again. Being myself, Being with community, Being with nature, Being with my intuition, Being conscious, Being connected with myself, with others, and with this world. I had been cutting myself off from a lot, and A Celebration of Sacred Convergence gifted me with the ability to dance, sing, and Be again.
It gifted me with the confidence and the ability to walk into this next chapter of my life with confidence, grace, humility, gratitude and community. I am forever grateful for my experience.

What has your relationship with Brian meant in your life?

My friendship with Brian means the world to me. When I met Brian, I didn’t want to get to know anyone at that moment in my life, I didn’t necessarily want to make friends, or seek anything from anyone, but with Brian…it literally just happened. We met by chance and I know it was meant to be. I have never been someone who has a lot of friends and even the ones I do have it’s hard for me to open up to them. With Brian it’s been the easiest friendship of my life. And with that comes all of these gifts of friendship I have never experienced. I have shared things with Brian that I haven’t shared with anyone else. He understands me, he trusts me, he honors me, he respects me. He is everything I could’ve ever asked for in a friend and more. He has been a Guardian Angel for my life and for the health of my family.

Defining moment of the journey.

Sweat Lodges are my favorite ceremonies. I remember my first one and I was nervous but I got through it with ease. The medicine path is something that, like life and people, is always evolving, including your experience. And I remember being in the final sweat lodge with Evolutionary Journeys at Casa del Sol, and it was almost like parts of my childhood where I was forced to be strong, and tough, boiled over and consumed me. And I didn’t have anything left. I couldn’t be strong, I couldn’t be tough and I couldn’t get through this. I felt broken and diminished. I asked to leave the sweat lodge and as I crawled out I started to cry because I felt defeated. That’s when I thought of a teaching a peyote shaman named Luis taught me— “a lot of people try to be like the Oak Tree. Strong, tall, thick, cannot be broken. I try to be like the Willow, not as thick, not as strong looking, but it’s flexible. When the wind blows the willow will be able to bend with the ever changing weather but when something as rigid as an oak tries to bend— it breaks.” I had been pretending to be strong for so long that I had forgotten that asking to leave, admitting you can’t finish something, speaking up about something uncomfortable, bending with the wind, is in fact Strong. After leaving the sweat lodge I went up to the house. After awhile Brian came to find me as the sweat lodge had ended and everyone was around the Sacred Fire singing. The next song to be sung was Collide and the lyrics “even the best fall down sometimes” struck a chord because of the experience I just had. And as I began to cry the entire Tribe gathered around me and embraced me. They embraced my weaknesses, my flaws, my insecurities, my doubts. They were there for me. And I know they always will be.
Urpillay Sonqollay 🕊🌈
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin 🦬🌿

Eileen Chang



What was the greatest gift of ACOSC?

The greatest gift I've received from ACOSC is having a community of people who have witnessed me in my most honest and vulnerable moments and who are energetically supporting me as I make my way in life. It is an honor to be able to reciprocate this gift by continuing to support and witness these brothers and sisters as individuals and as a sacred group.

What has your relationship with Brian meant in your life?

After a decade of striving in the corporate world, I reached a point of spiritual burnout and gave up my career to embark on a path back to myself. I had no map, just a deep knowing that I needed to do this and that there was no other choice. Along the way, I met mentors, teachers, and fellow wayfarers who encouraged me to keep wandering with purpose. Brian was an old acquaintance from my corporate days who reappeared in my life just as I was rediscovering and rebuilding a relationship with the wild terrain of my soul. As a fellow corporate dropout, he had been on his own wayfinding journey, and as we traded stories and dreams, I knew it was no accident that the universe had reconnected us in order to heal something in ourselves and in the worlds we had left. It seems we are meant to weave our gifts, experiences, and communities into a bigger dream that accomplishes more than we could have individually. The lesson I am learning from Brian is to cultivate relationships of reciprocity and mutual benefit that, with time, can blossom into elegant ecosystems that support a greater whole. His vision and conviction inspire me to dream bigger and take bolder action towards building the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

Defining moment of the journey.

The defining moment of my time at Casa del Sol happened during our second ayahuasca ceremony. I had been struggling until then to connect to the medicines of the different plants and had been feeling frustrated that either I, or the medicines, were not "working." The shamans and individual members of the group had noticed my frustration and had been checking in with me, helping me to get curious about what this struggle might be showing me. Each, in their own way, invited me to surrender my expectations, put down my armor, and allow myself to receive whatever I was meant to receive, in whatever form it took. So, I began that night's ceremony with the intention to surrender to self-compassion. As I sat with myself, I told myself all the wonderful things appreciated about myself - not just the "good" traits but also the parts of me that I struggle with, that I don't like. I took all the compassion and love the group had given me and gifted it to myself. Being inside this circle of my own compassion brought tears to my eyes. I then extended this compassion to my family members, melting any anger and resentment I was holding onto. This tiny act of beaming love back toward myself changed everything. It helped unblock the flow of love and forgiveness that had been there all along. That night, I received the medicine I was meant to receive, at the perfect time. I experienced a shift in the way I relate to myself and my struggles that has stayed with me even after my return to daily life. I continue to marvel at the mystery and grace of this lasting gift.

John Flynn



What was the greatest gift of ACOSC?

The greatest gift of ACOSC was and remains a community in the truest and most beautiful sense of the word. This is a communion of kindred souls from different worldly and spiritual backgrounds, bonded by a sincere quest for healing, understanding, and serving. ACOSC is a family grounded in unconditional support, compassion, and love for one another. It is a vision that this world desperately needs, one of peace and harmony with the natural world, with one another, and with ourselves.

What has your relationship with Brian meant in your life?

The treasure of Brian's friendship is beyond words. He has been a source of inspiration, wisdom and support for me from the first moment that we met. His heart is completely invested in the betterment of this world and he continually inspires me to live in a state of trust and openness. When in times of doubt and difficulty, Brian has always come through with words and gestures of support, understanding and motivation. He walks the walk when it comes to living with integrity, humility, transparency, and reciprocity. He is a soul friend and I am forever grateful for the gift of his life.

Defining moment of the journey.

There are too many moments to count and too many stories to tell. When I think back on ACOSC, while there were powerful ceremonies and glorious hikes, I often think about the simpler times. I think about gathering with everyone spontaneously in the living room, cuddling together on couches as if we had known each other for decades rather than days. We sang medicine songs and Fleetwood Mac. We played guitars and drums and rattles. Our music came from a deep place. We inspired each other to be open, to be vulnerable, to be creative. Through the medicine of music, we helped each other to process our experiences and to move forward on this beautiful and challenging journey. These songs will be playing in my head for eternity, and for that I am grateful.

Samy Isaza



What was the greatest gift of ACOSC?

The greatest gift from ACOSC has been the community we have created. My life has been enriched by this beautiful group people. Together we weaved our paths into a living dream of celebration and protection of life. Every individual is somewhere around the world spreading the gifts and wisdom learned during our experience. We planted the seeds that love, care, and patience will become lifelong relationships.

What has your relationship with Brian meant in your life?

Brian and I met by 'chance' in really unassuming and unexpected circumstances. I felt immediately at ease around him. I was blown away by his love for Latin America and we bonded over our Colombian stories. For the past four years, our lives have blossomed from friendship to brotherhood. Together we've explored three countries and their sacred lands. He's been my guide, mentor, coach, and the big brother I wish I had growing up. He's provides a cosm of perspectives and when talking to him I feel like being guided by an astronomist helping me see life throw different lenses. I will always be grateful for his wisdom, point of view, dedication, generosity, and gifts to this world.

Defining moment of the journey.

One of my favorite memories happened during the first San Pedro Ceremony while receiving the blessing from Ximena and Santiago in the maloca
As I was sitting on the Jaguar skin, Ximena provided insight about the meaning to my name according to the ancient Andean
 tradition: Sami - the first fresh breath of pure vibrant energy.
At the height of the experience, a sudden gust of wind blew in and brought rain droplets sideways into the maloca bringing new life and reshement to all of us. Pachamama was showing us Samay in action, wild and free as the sun was setting.
This is a moment I try to remember whenever I am dealing with fear or Hucha, Sami's twin opposite energy.
It's a beatuful reminder of the invitation to live my life in joy, love, service, dance, nature, connection, healing, and relationship.

AJ Lira



What was the greatest gift of ACOSC?

The greatest gift of ACOSC was the community of beautiful souls that I became a part of and who journeyed with me on my path of self discovery. I carry the song of their love in my heart into each day.

What has your relationship with Brian meant in your life?

Knowing Brian has altered the course of my entire life. It's no understatement to say it has been life changing. Brian has been a dear friend, a trusted guide, and the most generous soul I have ever known. His integrity and strength of character the the standard that I judge my life by now. I'm a better human for knowing him and I look forward to our future moments together.

Defining moment of the journey.

When I think back to the many moments of deep significance during ACOSC, one very special time that embodied the experience stands out in my mind. It was the final Sweat lodge or Tamescal ceremony. In preparation for this, we coated our bodies in a silky gray clay. This created some fun photos and many laughs. During the ceremony inside the dome hut, I watched as they brought in red hot stones and poured water on them to create a thick steam. The heat was so intense but I held my posture and drew strength from the thought of my family and all my love for them. It was at this moment when I heard Megan, one of the closest members of the group to me, say she wanted to go outside and she didn't feel well. As she made her way to the hut entrance, I watched tears well up in her eyes and a piece of my heart broke for her as I knew how much she wanted to be with us during this final ceremony. When the ceremony ended, I emerged from the hut with new life. I was exhausted but found my way to the river and plunged in with a scream. The ice cold water and swift current dissolved the silky clay from my skin and I was reborn. After a few minutes I made my way back to the hut where everyone was gathered around the embers of a fire made into the shape of a heart. Megan had not yet returned and Brian decided to check on her. A few moments later, they both appeared and in the silence that followed, we all sensed she needed our love. Being such a musical group, someone started to sing "Collide" by Howie Day and as we sang the lyrics, "Even the best fall down sometimes", we gave Megan a deep group hug and cried together. I've never experienced anything like it. I'd also just like to add that the food during A Celebration of Sacred Convergence was phenomenal and deserves a nod and a bow. After each ceremony, the made from scratch meals were hearty, healthy, and life saving. I can still taste the home made bread. Sharing a meal with such amazing people after a powerful ceremony is a gift all its own. I miss the music and memories we all created together and if you are someone looking for community, connection, and the power of love, please give yourself this gift.

Cushi Ming



What was the greatest gift of ACOSC?

ACOSC's greatest gift is the format of the program. Brian worked diligently through ceremony and deep meditation and integrity of a level of which I have never seen before to channel a format for a retreat that allowed for deep meaningful connections to be formed quickly. Being a part of a community beginning before the retreat and lasts through the period of integration and beyond is a gift that everyone will benefit from. Brian's leveraged his vast experiences with the Sacred Plant Medicines of South America to guide the manifestation of this project. His big heart and clear vision provide direction and stability through the gifts (also known as challenges) that the medicines offer. This is also reflected in his wisdom to partner with the family of Casa Del Sol retreat center who are some of the wisest, strongest and most compassionate people on the medicine path. ACOSC is a collection of gifts, an opportunity to experience the beauty of the Andes mountains and the Spiritual Vortex that is the town Vilcabamba, and a chance to work with a variety of medicines, the most potent of which being the medicine of community.

What has your relationship with Brian meant in your life?

Brian is one of my closest friends. We share a passion for bettering the Earth through our connection with her, her children and ourselves. We met on the first day of our first retreat at Casa Del Sol and we've been talking ever since. We've supported each other through some of our most turbulent times. And he's given to me in many ways as a friend, but also as an ally in the important work to undo the damages of racism, white privilege and their many modern day manifestations.
To say what it means to my life to be friends with a man of such stature feels inauthentic and limiting. Our friendship is dynamic and flexible, deep and elevated, it's so multifaceted that to give it a meaning would truly be a disservice. I would rather let it live and evolve and continue to nourish us and surprise us for years to come.

Defining moment of the journey.

ACOSC gave me the opportunity to confront some deep existential fears that had been plaguing me since my first Ayahuasca experience two years before. I had unanswered questions about life and existence that were frightening to think about. Early on in my first integration, I experienced hallucinations, dissociation, sleep paralysis, multilayered frightening dreams and lived in a state of perpetual fear. I managed to put the fear to the back of my mind, but it never really went away and I'd often experience flashbacks and moments of existential crisis. It's normal to leave a retreat with a new family, but Brian's wisdom to connect the tribe members before the retreat through a variety of themed Zoom calls allowed us to begin the retreat with a new family. For me, this provided a safe space and a feeling of trust, comfort and acceptance that made it much easier and safer to face the fears that I had suppressed. So much so, that they were resolved in our first ceremony.

Dorothy Morganna



What was the greatest gift of ACOSC?

Wow there are so many gifts! I would say the feeling of love, being held together in community, but also by the love of the Casa del Sol family. Even before we started the retreat, Brian lit the spark for such a strong bond of community to weave among us. We all had a buddy with whom we checked in with, exchanged gifts, and held space for. We also all sang together, shared music and stories, and held space for each other's tears. The vibrant home of Santiago and Ximena reminded me of the book of "100 Years of Solitude"-- a place of countless stories and characters, never short of a sense of wonder even in the most mundane of details. The love permeated every detail of our experience.

What has your relationship with Brian meant in your life?

Brian is such an extraordinary friend. He has been such a cheerleader for my business in Guatemala-- helping me see the grandiosity of my work, even when I'm stuck in the mud and the weeds. Through gentle encouragement and loving patience, he has helped me through my own blocks as I navigate the creation of a new project. He has given me the opportunity to connect to sacred medicine keepers of the foothills of the Andes who have taught me so many lessons applicable day by day. It's been so refreshing to find someone who cares so much about the same things I do-- nature, medicine, sacred space, communities-- and be able to bounce ideas of how we can support one another of bringing more of what we value into the world. Brian's friendship is truly a gift in my life.

Defining moment of the journey.

When we first started the ASOCS journey, I was in a very dark place in my life. I was feeling extremely sad and vulnerable for a lot of life's circumstances. At our first online Zoom meeting, I immediately felt like it was just okay to say how I really was without trying to sugarcoat anything. This was where I was, crying, and that was okay. I don't know, there's nothing especially glamorous about that moment, but ASOCS was definitely a turning point in my life, and I feel like it came from that complete acceptance-- both of me accepting myself where I was, as well as the group accepting me where I was at the time. It's totally okay to be yourself-- that's ESPECIALLY when the magic happens!

Lauren Oiye



What was the greatest gift of ACOSC?

The greatest gift of A Celebration Of Sacred Convergence is the family that has been gained through the sacred connections made with the beautiful souls that are walking this celebration and ceremony of life together. There is something so special about having a collective of so many different people from all over the world walking their own individual paths that you can grow with through every prayer, every gathering, and every ceremony.

What has your relationship with Brian meant in your life?

Brian is such a ray of pure light with the most radiant heart that just exudes love for his people and this collective. I am forever grateful for our soul-ship and connection. It's an incredible gift to have a source of purity in my life in the form of the divine masculine.

Defining moment of the journey.

It's hard to choose just one moment in the journey, because it was all so impactful and the teachers were so profound. I think overall this journey we went on in October really catapulted me into a new role that I didn't think I was ready for. But, learning how to hold space was a gift, feeling confident in myself that I had something meaningful to offer the collective, and allowing space for my own healing was so transformative and empowering. Thank you Brian for seeing that I was ready to step into this new version of myself as a leader, therapist, friend, and supporter.

Juan Zea



What was the greatest gift of ACOSC?

The greatest gift of ACOSC was the opportunity to experience a new way to open my heart and connect with my spirit in its purest form. All of this within a loving community that soon became a family during the process of sharing and healing together. I got to appreciate the beauty of life under a different light and in many forms: in nature, in relationships with others and with myself. ACOSC is a the memory of a never ending journey and a soul tribe that I will always cherrish close to my heart. A safe base and container which I am honored to be a part of, where I can share freely and that I know I can come to whenever I am feeling off. Being a part of this deep woven family and the relationships I have built with everyone in this Sacred Convergence is a true blessing.

What has your relationship with Brian meant in your life?

In such a short time, Brian has evolved from a close friend into a true brother, life coach and mentor. He is someone who, from the start, I am naturally drawn to share whatever lies deep within my mind, heart and soul. We have discovered that our stories have many things in common so he is someone I can easily relate to in a personal level. It is a one of a kind brotherhood where I always feel listened, valued and cared for, and I know I can always count on him, as he can always count on me. Brian is an infinite source of inspiration through his life story, the inmense generosity of his heart always in service of others and his commitment to being a true guardian of the Earth. He is an example of how actions speak louder than words. I feel blessed and genuinely grateful to have Brian in my life and look forward to keep walking our paths together.

Defining moment of the journey.

My healing experience in the first Ayahuasca ceremony was definitely a defining moment in my journey. The night before I had a very challenging experience after the San Pedro ceremony. I lost control of perception and lost myself within my mind for quite some time. Thankfuly I was supported and contained by the whole family during this difficult process.
Truth be told, I was scared of doing another plant medicine ceremony after what I had been through the night before. Even though I had every reason not to take part, I felt called to sit with grandmother Ayahuasca and heal with its medicine, and so I did.
It is difficult to put into words the feelings of that night. The way in which Yana and Mira served the medicine was so beautiful. I inmersed myself into a state of deep connection with my spirit. I could feel the presence of my family and ancestors holding and supporting me. I allowed the medicine of Ayahuasca to help me let go of the past, which no longer felt heavy and bringing me down. The way in which Yana and Mira
At one point of the night, Mateo asked me if I wanted to play the guitar. I was not sure if I would be able to (the night before I tried in the San Pedro ceremony and could not play) but decided to at least try. I just let myself into a state of flow and connected with my instrument and my voice, channeling medicine. It was a very special moment.
I will remember that morning forever. The sound of the singing birds blending with the rushing river Uchima. The rays of the sun entering the maloka and lighting up our sacred space. Cush’s voice singing Redemption Song acapella. That morning I felt different. Much lighter. The words from the heart we exchanged with one another and warm hugs were so special. This was a highlight and defining moment of my journey.

Suzannah Ohlune



What was the greatest gift of ACOSC?

To find myself embraced by this beautiful sacred family, being able to offer my gifts and to feel the richness that each person brought to this celebration of life. Learning how to grow together as a soul family, and feeling the solidarity of that bond to support our own personal paths of healing and transformation.

What has your relationship with Brian meant in your life?

Brian is truly a soul brother, and the opportunity to have deep relationship at this level of intentionality and authenticity is a true gift. In these times in which the call for healing and transformation is so strong, it is heartening to know that there are people such as Brian living such a deep commitment to serving a higher vision for humanity and expressing his deep love for community well-being in such powerful ways.

Defining moment of the journey.

I can't say that there was one moment of this journey that speaks to me in a defining way, but rather the ongoing expressions of deep love, support, and caring that was shared throughout the time together amongst the whole group were such a profound gift to my heart.

When one dreams alone, it is only a dream. When many dream together, it is the beginning of a new reality.


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