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A Song of Renaissance

We invite you to take a deep breath, to smile, to open your heart, and to imagine a world where humanity cherishes all other forms of life as our kin - the leaping dolphins, the gentle orangutans, the exuberant monarchs, the playful hummingbirds, the noble eagles, the elegant pumas, the majestic sequoias, and all other creatures large and small. We give thanks for their lives, marvel at our shared evolution, and celebrate the enormous honor of being a member of this family of Life - children of the Earth, the Sun, and the Stars.


We invite you to imagine a world woven of thriving, resilient, bio-diverse ecosystems - true sanctuaries of Life - that protect the integrity of our planetary systems. A world where we live in right relationship, worshiping in fellowship in the temple of the land, the sea, and the sky. A world where we realize that we were never cast out of the Garden of Eden, it surrounds us and we have the power to renew the places that have become barren.


Imagine a world led by true elders - human and more than human - an old growth forest of wisdom, protection, and love who midwife the birth of a truly life-enhancing civilization.


Imagine a new generation of evolutionary leaders that walk a path of integrity and love, finding harmony between people, planet, and purpose - a world where spirituality and business, consciousness and government, the Cosmos and Earth come into sacred union to create incredible abundance and innovation, innovation that truly serves the wellbeing of all humanity and all Life. 

Imagine a world nourished by social entrepreneurs serving as vessels for the Spirit of Life, creating organizations that are radiant sanctuaries of beauty and collaboration that bring joy and fulfillment to all those who gather under the shade of their canopy.


Imagine a world where children are never subjected to any form of violence, where they are able to retain their innocence and discover the magic of the natural world and the fertile soil of healthy community, growing towards the solar light of their highest aspirations.

Imagine a world where extraordinary women leaders take their rightful place at the head of communities, companies, and countries around the globe, embodying an ancient inner source of wisdom to guide us into a sustainable future - and fulfill the destiny of the Sophia Century.


Imagine having a soul tribe of brothers and sisters who are committed to supporting one another through all of life’s challenges, giving generously of their time, wisdom, and wealth to manifest the dreams of the individual and the collective. A world where these soul tribes exist in every community, every city, every state, every country.


Imagine a world where all people have the opportunity to be initiated by their soul, knowing their true name, their unique place in this world, the songs of their ancestors, their destiny in this lifetime, and the capacity to bring to fruition the visions of their heart. 


Imagine a world where every manifestation of Life has the blessing and support to be wild and free - free to roam, free to fly, free to swim, and free to dream.


Imagine a world where all Life, all of Creation, is revered and protected as sacred.

And finally, imagine this renaissance of Life on Earth becoming true by 2050 - in one generation.

This is the world we invite you to co-create together 🌹

I am certain of nothing but of the holiness of the Heart's affections and the truth of imagination.
What the imagination sees as beauty, must be truth.

John Keats

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© 2024 A Celebration of Sacred Convergence by Evolutionary Journeys

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