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A Voyage Into The Great Mystery

An Evolutionary Journey is a voyage into the Great Mystery, a pilgrimage into the heart of the sacred, and an opportunity to be reborn.


To be reborn involves a deconstruction and reconstruction of our consciousness on a higher level - the miracle of metamorphosis - and the ultimate goal is always to return home and share the gifts we received with our kin: our loved ones, our community, and our greater family of Life.

The inaugural Evolutionary Journey, A Celebration of Sacred Convergence, was born from a vision of unifying the fields of human development, coaching, community building, retreat facilitation, and ancestral medicines to create a new model for transformation and healing.

The journey was founded on one central principle from the indigenous Andean cosmovision - Ayni - which means sacred reciprocity, perfect harmony, radical generosity, or simply put, "today for you, tomorrow for me".

The model was woven with the following sutras:​

  • One unifying prayer of regeneration to connect the healing of the individual, tribe, community, ecosystem, and Earth (concentric circles)

  • One dedicated leader to steward the entire journey from start to finish - a bridge between the ancestral world and modern world, one who has sworn to protect the wellbeing of the tribe

  • Once in a lifetime journey lovingly crafted for a unique group of voyagers - and channeled via a multi-month creative process communing with the wild ecosystems of our Mother Earth

  • Pilgrimage to a sacred ecosystem to learn from ancestral medicines and all forms of life 

  • Highly experienced team of diverse guides to holistically support the healing and metamorphosis process of each voyager

  • Sacred Reciprocity embedded in every stage of the journey: offerings and gifts, reverence for human and more than human kin

  • Egalitarian structure with voyagers actively sharing their gifts and medicine (we are all teachers, we are all students)

  • Extensive 1:1 & group support for preparation, retreat participation, and integration

  • Hand selected tribe of diverse voyagers with complimentary gifts and personalities

  • Nourishment for the mind in the form of ancestral wisdom (books, articles, and oral teachings)

  • Forging of life long friendships among the tribe

  • Stewardship of a vibrant community that will evolve and bear fruit for many seasons


ACOSC unfolded over three primary phases:

  1. Preparation: September 12 - October 1 (virtual, the Americas)

  2. Ancestral Medicine Retreat: October 2 - October 16 (Ecuador)

  3. Integration: October 17 - November 19 (virtual, the Americas)

Since the official closing of the journey, our community has remained vibrant and active via live calls and digital spaces, and we have just begun an experiment in collective rotational leadership - in alignment with the principles of Earth communities and the Great Turning.

And so, we invite you to journey via your imagination to the sacred Andean valley of Vilcabamba, Ecuador, and to inhale the fragrance of ACOSC via songs, photos, and the tales of the voyagers that you will find in the following chapter, The Tribe.

Music From the Heart

A great part of what makes this tribe vibe together is music. We jammed and always enjoyed fusing our voices. One magical night at the retreat in Ecuador, Samy set up his recording gear to make an everlasting memory of the songs of our journey.

We shall not cease from exploration, and at the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

T.S. Elliot

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© 2024 A Celebration of Sacred Convergence by Evolutionary Journeys

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