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A Sanctuary of Life

While walking the lifelong path of entering into right relationship with many of the magnificent sanctuaries of Life that adorn the Americas, I have come to understand that they are the true guardians. All of our lives depend on the sacred ecosystems we call home. Everything that is beautiful in ACOSC had its source in their inspiration and wisdom, and I am forever grateful for the love of our planet that they awoke within my heart. 


I hope these photos, honoring some of my most beloved bioregions and taken on my journeys, evoke a feeling of wonder and joy for you as well - and perhaps the inspiration to embark upon a great journey of your own.


- Brian

Humankind has not woven the web of life,
we are but one thread within it. 

Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.

All things are bound together like the blood that unites us all.

All things connect.

Chief Seattle

The Sacred Valley


Mt. Shasta

California, USA

Achuar Territory

Ecuadorian Amazon


Colombian Amazon

San Francisco Bay

California, USA

Yosemite National Park

California, USA

Andes Bioregion


Laguna de Atitlán


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© 2024 A Celebration of Sacred Convergence by Evolutionary Journeys

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